
The Grand Opening of DP Ceramic third showroom in Malaysia! (BUMICO Building Materials Mall)

东鹏马来西亚(DP CERAMIC)第三展厅正式开业!(BUMICO 建材城)
The Grand Opening of DP Ceramic third showroom in Malaysia! (BUMICO Building Materials Mall)

马来西亚首家一站式建材采购平台,承载着马来西亚发展商、建筑商、建材商及社会各界人士的期盼, Bumico建材城10月1日于马来西亚雪兰莪州梳帮再也盛大开业。
Bumico Building Materials Mall is the first one-stop solution of construction materials in Malaysia. With the highly anticipating of Developers, Contractors, Dealers and etc , Bumico has its grand opening on 1st October 2019 in Subang Jaya, Selangor.

与此同时,东鹏马来西亚(DP CERAMIC)第三间展厅也于当日正式营业。
Meanwhile, DP Ceramic Third Showroom in Malaysia has officially launched on the same day.


DP Ceramic will continue to supply with quality, premium products to our customers, providing you the best services in the town.